Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Mighty Fortress is Our God!

It is 10 AM on December, 7, 2011 and we are at the hospital with Lauren and Derek awaiting the arrival of our first grand child - Baby Girl Kamal. I am reminded of a Wednesday, 29 years ago when Susan and I were in this process - waiting on our first child to arrive. I remember that the process was beautiful but also nerve-racking. I guess anxiousness comes anytime you approach a significant life transition you've never experienced before. I remember when they took Susan into the delivery room (hasn't that become a much better experience with the labor rooms that also double as delivery rooms). The nurse sent me to get into my gown and mask and hairnet. I got all this garb on and made my way into a delivery room full of people all dressed in similar disguises only to hear, "Who are you and what are you doing here"? Before I could answer someone said loudly, "Get out!! You're in the wrong delivery room!" Un-com-fort-a-ble!! I was backing up, backing up...and after a bit more careful navigation I got to Susan's side for Lauren to be born.
Sitting here by Lauren's side I feel some anxiety and excitement but not quite like that!
But as I sit here the words to this song keep coming to my mind - A Mighty Fortress is Our God. This is an old hymn title that has been translated into English and sung by Christians since the 16th century. (You can read about it at:
And while I love this old hymn, the words I keep re-playing are from a more recent song by this title written by Christy and Nathan Nockels - (You can hear it and see a beautiful slide show with this amazing song at

I love the second verse and the refrain - -

Our God is, jealous for His own
None could comprehend, His love and His mercy
Our God is exalted on His throne
High above the heavens
Forever He's worthy...

We will keep our eyes on You
We will keep our eyes on You

A mighty fortress is our God
A sacred refuge is Your Name
Your Kingdom is unshakable
With You forever we will reign

Watching your baby have a baby is an amazing experience. And it is all made more beautiful with the knowledge that God's love and mercy for us are incomprehensible!!!

So...we will keep our eyes on You!!!

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